Volunteering and Skill Sharing


Parental involvement is key to your child getting the most out of their pre-school experience. Helping out can be very rewarding, and it is a good opportunity to see what your child gets up to at pre-school and the activities they enjoy. It is also a great way to feel more involved and to get to know the other children, parents and staff.GVPS-98

Volunteering on any level, whether it is accompanying us on an outing, coming in to read a story, sharing a skill or life experience with the children, or baking a cake for a fundraising event is most welcome. We will be inviting people (and animals) from the local community to share their skills and experiences too, in order to widen and enrich the children’s knowledge.

As a registered charity we rely heavily on fundraising to update our equipment and resources and hope that parents will come together to offer their ideas and time. These social events not only provide income but also a sense of community.